If you are one of the millions of Myspace users you want to know a quick and simple way to make your own Myspace layout. How about the ability to create your own myspace layout with ANY background image you want - the place I recommend is to make a layout at Background Station.
Sorry Facebook - but you cant participate here because you make everyone us a gray and blue layout - LAAAAME! I'm glad to see people are coming back to Myspace in massive numbers after their brief stays at Facebook, I havent signed into mines for over 3 months :)
I've mentioned in other posts that this can be done in 5 minutes and its true!!! Below is an actual screen shot of the Myspace Generator ( <- more info about generators) using the term "jonas brothers".... All the screen shots you are seeing below were taken from the Generator on Background Station.
More Girly Valentines Graphics and Girly Layouts
16 years ago